Monday 31 October 2016

Consume raw chocolate And Your Testicles Will Thank You

The chocolate found on grocery stores is actually very far from the real deal. It contains low cacao percentage and it will get heated up during the production. The heat destroys all of the biochemical benefits and antioxidants from those kinds of chocolates. THE REAL raw chocolate is not heated at any part of the manufacturing process, and it contains huge load of antioxidants and biochemical compounds that nourish the human body. Raw chocolate also contains a lot of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for your testosterone levels.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Secretes to naturally Enhance Testosterone Levels

1.  Take 2 cold showers a day: - Your testosterone levels are highest between 4-am-6-am in the morning. Taking a cold shower at night before bed will help you sleep, but also help you naturally enhance your testosterone levels. Do the same upon rising to wake up but get your T levels boosted. Have the shower last for 10 minutes both in the morning and at night. And keep it as cold as possible.


2. Avoid Plastics: - Plastics contain chemical estrogen that raise your body's estrogen levels, which then lower your testosterone levels. Avoid carrying your water in plastic bottles and your food in plastic containers.

3. Take mini-vacations. : - This isn't talked about very often, but stress is one of the greatest inhibitors of testosterone because it results in the release of cortisol in your body. One of the ways to measure testosterone is in relation to cortisol. If your cortisol is high, your testosterone can't be. It's important to de-stress once a month. Get out in nature, get off the computer, and unplug.

Saturday 29 October 2016


Life can get stressful at times, there’s no denying that, but if you would call your life as one big stressful merry-go-round, it’s time that you got off that ride.
Stress is going to wreak havoc on your testosterone levels, not to mention causing your body to secret another hormone in its place – cortisol. This hormone actually primes your body for lean muscle mass loss along with fat gain, especially in the abdominal region while decreasing testosterone.

The more you stress, the more you move away from your goals. It’s that simple. Get control over your stress levels and you’ll see noticeable results.

Friday 28 October 2016


Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which a

re known to improve testosterone production and reduce the size of an enlarged production. Both these factors help in increasing sperm count as well as semen volume. They also contain essential fatty acids that improve blood flow to the male reproductive organs. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Fava Beans

Fava beans are well known for their ability to increase Human Growth Hormone and dopamine levels, both will help you to increase your testosterone levels because they rise in correlation with it.

The reason why Fava beans will boost those two anabolic hormones lies behind the high content of L-Dopa, a natural steroid and a scientifically proven precursor for dopamine and growth hormone.

Wednesday 26 October 2016


Pomegranates might just as well be the “best” testosterone boosting food around. However there’s not that much fuzz about them around the internet…
Here’s why pomegranates are so awesome:
In a recent unsponsored and highly reputable study, the researchers found out that juice made from pure pomegranates increased salivary testosterone levels of their male subjects by 24% on average. Also their systolic blood pressure went down significantly, which is not a big surprise as pomegranates do also increase your nitric oxide levels.
However researchers can’t obtain those similar results with pomegranate extracts. It’s only the pure pomegranate that works.

I believe that the reason for that occurrence must lie behind its high antioxidant content, as the extract form has no antioxidants in it, but the pure form is ridiculously high in them. 

Monday 24 October 2016

Cheap Tricks On Increasing Natural Testosterone Levels

Cheap Trick #1 – Garlic

An organic garlic pack will cost you almost nothing. Yet they’re extremely powerful when it comes down to boosting testosterone.
Heck, these smelly cloves actually boost your nitric oxide levels so much that they even lowered systolic blood pressure way better than medication in this study.
Despite the fact that 
their testosterone boosting effectiveness has only been proven on rats. I’m still 100% certain that they do something extremely similar in humans too.
If you don’t buy it. Then try chowing down one raw garlic clove before hitting the bed, and I guarantee you that there’s going to be some noticeable benefits.
So that’s number #1 of the  cheap ways on increasing testosterone

Cheap Trick #2 – Ginger

According to 
study conducted on humans, ginger boosted testosterone levels by 17,7% and it also increased Luteinizing Hormone (LH) levels by a whopping 43,2% (LH is one of the two hormones that trigger the whole testosterone production inside male testicles).
So how much more easily can it be. Just put a tablespoon full of ginger to a glass of water and stir furiously, then drink the whole mix and enjoy a nice cheap testosterone boost.
Cheap. Effective. Easy. What more could you want?

Cheap Trick #3 – Cold Showers

This happens because the optimal heat of your ball sacks is few degrees colder than your normal body temperature (that’s pretty much why they hang outside of your body in that party pouch).
There’s actually plenty of stories from Russia where the crazy power lifters used to freeze their balls before competitions to lift more.
Fortunately you don’t have to freeze your balls of. Just take a moderately cold shower. That’s it.  

Cheap Trick #4 – Fasting

Although fasting hasn’t been studied for its testosterone boosting effects. We do know few things about it that clearly show it does boost T.
1. Fasting has been shown to increase almost all of the other hormones in the body that support testosterone production.
Fasting rapidly stimulates growth hormone production, which is an anabolic hormone that tends to rise in correlation with testosterone.
Fasting induces autophagy in the body. Which means that it triggers your body to remove toxins and pesticides from your system. This obviously helps your testosterone.
The cool thing is that fasting is cheap. It’s so  cheap that it doesn’t even cost you a nickel. All you have to do is nothing. Absolutely nothing to boost testosterone and growth hormone.
Just don’t consume calories. That’s all there is to it. Take one day without calories or go half a day without calories. I don’t even care. All I know is that it boosts your testosterone and HGH levels 

The Aromatase Inhibiting Foods

Celery Stalk

Celery is one of the best testosterone boosting foods, as it’s being said that even the scent of it can trigger the testosterone production process inside male testes.
It’s known to contain several androgens, including the androtestrone which just so happens to be a precursor of testosterone.
But here’s a thing about celery that most people don’t know…
…Celery has also been shown to have modest aromatase enzyme inhibiting effects.
It’s not a huge decrease or anything to hype about, but the researchers found out that the high Luteolin content in celery does effectively inhibit aromatase enzyme.

NOTE: Despite the fact that celery is one hell of a great testosterone booster, conventional celery has also been shown to contain huge amounts of pesticide traces, including multiple endocrine disruptors (which is the case in almost all conventionally grown plants). You can avoid all of those endocrine disrupting chemicals by investing on organic produce. So a key point to remember here: Get organic celery, and stay away from conventionally grown stalks to get the most this aromatase inhibiting food has to offer.

 Red Wine

I can’t say that alcohol in excess would be beneficial, as it destroys testosterone levels if taken in excess.

However a glass or two of quality red wine can actually be quite beneficial for your testosterone levels.

Mainly because red wine acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor and this has been shown in multiple studies.

Here’s few of them:
1. The researchers from Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, found out in one of their breast cancer studies, that grape seeds and red wine both are excellent natural aromatase inhibitors. The researchers also found out that red wine and grape seeds were both able to decrease serum estrogen levels too.
2. Later on a different group of researchers also located in the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, found out that the phytochemicals in red wine were able to inhibit aromatase enzyme in a dose dependent manner (more phytochemicals, less aromatase enzyme). However the alcohol content in red wine will unfortunately turn tables around at some point (so stick with 1 or 2 glasses a day).
3.  study also comes from the cancer researchers at the Beckman Research Institute. In this trial they found out for the third time, that red wine was (still) able to inhibit aromatase enzyme. They also noted that the Pinot Noir red wine in particular was the most effective and best aromatase inhibitor.

The main reason why red wine inhibits aromatase enzyme is probably because of a polyphenol called resveratrol, which has been shown to inhibit aromatase, decrease estrogen, and to increase testosterone levels. But there might also be other phenols in red wine which can also have similar effects.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Brazil Nuts and Testosterone

There’s hardly any science backing up the use of Brazil nuts as a testosterone booster
Brazil nuts contain so much pro-testosterone building blocks, that they simply have to increase natural testosterone production.

1. Packed with selenium – Brazil nuts are the richest known source for bio-active selenium in the whole planet, and selenium has been linked to elevated testosterone levels. Brazil nuts are actually so rich in selenium, that even as little as 1-2 Brazil nuts can easily fill the daily requirements of selenium.
2. Contains Natural Cholesterol – Cholesterol gets converted into testosterone inside the leydig cells of testes, and that’s the main reason why men should never underestimate the power of this wonderful nutrient which should definitely be the staple in every high testosterone diet.
The good news: Brazil nuts are filled with bio-active natural cholesterol, which will work wonders for your natural testosterone production.
3. Strong antioxidant – Brazil nuts are filled with antioxidants known for protecting your sensitive testosterone molecules from oxidization. Recent studies also show that certain antioxidants will stimulate the leydig cells to produce more testosterone.
4. High in L-Arginine – Arginine is a substance that will significantly increase your nitric oxide production, which means that your veins will dilate and relax allowing your blood to flow more freely. The good news: Brazil nuts are packed with the most bio-active form of Arginine.

5. Improves Sperm Quality – The 2013 Journal of Andrology reported that dietary selenium was able to significantly increase sperm quality, volume, and motility. The quality of your sperm is highly linked to testosterone levels, as it’s a scientific fact that men who have the highest testosterone, also tend to have the highest sperm counts.