Sunday 23 October 2016

Brazil Nuts and Testosterone

There’s hardly any science backing up the use of Brazil nuts as a testosterone booster
Brazil nuts contain so much pro-testosterone building blocks, that they simply have to increase natural testosterone production.

1. Packed with selenium – Brazil nuts are the richest known source for bio-active selenium in the whole planet, and selenium has been linked to elevated testosterone levels. Brazil nuts are actually so rich in selenium, that even as little as 1-2 Brazil nuts can easily fill the daily requirements of selenium.
2. Contains Natural Cholesterol – Cholesterol gets converted into testosterone inside the leydig cells of testes, and that’s the main reason why men should never underestimate the power of this wonderful nutrient which should definitely be the staple in every high testosterone diet.
The good news: Brazil nuts are filled with bio-active natural cholesterol, which will work wonders for your natural testosterone production.
3. Strong antioxidant – Brazil nuts are filled with antioxidants known for protecting your sensitive testosterone molecules from oxidization. Recent studies also show that certain antioxidants will stimulate the leydig cells to produce more testosterone.
4. High in L-Arginine – Arginine is a substance that will significantly increase your nitric oxide production, which means that your veins will dilate and relax allowing your blood to flow more freely. The good news: Brazil nuts are packed with the most bio-active form of Arginine.

5. Improves Sperm Quality – The 2013 Journal of Andrology reported that dietary selenium was able to significantly increase sperm quality, volume, and motility. The quality of your sperm is highly linked to testosterone levels, as it’s a scientific fact that men who have the highest testosterone, also tend to have the highest sperm counts.

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